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Tips for Creating Awesome Trade Show Videos: A GUIDE

Planning on having a booth at a trade show this year? Then you need a video created specifically for the trade show environment! Trade show videos are not the same thing as a typical demo video; it’s not simply a case of loading your existing promo or demo video on a screen.

The best trade show videos let you reach more potential customers faster. Think about the thousands of people who will walk the floor on any given day at a trade show—you can’t possibly talk to them all personally. A video is another way to “talk” to people who are walking by your booth. It can also be a way to give people something to occupy their time if you need a few more minutes to finish up a conversation you’re having with another attendee at your booth.

What makes the difference between a good trade show video, and a great one?


Get started early! Sharing an intro video via email can be a great way to make your presence known to attendees before they hit the trade show floor. Use video to inform your contacts that you’re attending, where your booth is located, and any other details they may need if they want to schedule a meeting while you’re in town.

If your company is hosting a panel, talk, or special event, you can share a preview video. Think of it like a movie trailer that gives them a glimpse of what to expect from the main event. Of course, don’t forget to include the essential details like the time and place of the presentation. If you plan to offer a virtual version of your presentation, mention where and how they can access the recording.

You don’t have to limit yourself to email. Drum up excitement by posting your promo video on your website or social media. But be strategic. Tailor your messaging when speaking directly to attendees, and broaden your scope when communicating to a larger audience.


Effective in-booth video content should hook your audience. Draw them in with the visual appeal, then make sure your staff gets them to stay. Visitors at a trade show are not there just to watch videos all day long. Once you get their attention, seize the opportunity by starting a conversation.

But how do you initially grab the attention of passersby?

  • In this digital age, adhere to high production quality standards. Many trade booth visitors will judge a book by its cover. A crisp, HD video shows that you are a professional organization that cares about the quality of your work. People are increasingly accustomed to consuming high-quality media on all platforms, so make sure that your video quality matches the quality of your company.
  • Stimulate audience attention with unique animations, live actions, and motion design. Some passersby may see your trade show video content while your staff is already busy with other guests. Their first impression of your booth should leave them wanting to learn more and wanting to enter your booth.
  • Beyond execution, be mindful of how many numbers are popping up in your video. While the occasional infographic or chart may be okay, visitors care more about what those numbers mean. Focusing on emotional appeal can be more effective than dumping data and statistics on the screen. Use this opportunity to showcase any action or excitement associated with your business. Once you have a visitor’s attention, your staff can start a more meaningful conversation.


When the trade show is over, follow up. Send out a video recap of the event. It might include clips from the showroom floor, a copy of your booth video, or other footage captured during the event. If you hosted a talk or exhibition, share that as well. Of course, be sure to invite people to contact you to start or continue conversations from the event.

Consider following up with a blog about your experiences or social media highlights featuring snippets from your presentation. Also, just because you’ve created a video for a trade show doesn’t mean you can’t use it in other places. Repurposing content can help your team maximize the potential of your explainer video.

So If you are thinking of building your empire, contact us- Realm Studios. We love to build films.

Bhoomi Goyal

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